Well, all of you New Yorkers reading this are chuckling quite loudly. I quickly learned that this parade is second only to the St. Pady's Day Parade. Essentially, it's a day-long party where most of the city's streets are closed and police are lined at every block prepared for flared tempers that tend to arise with millions of people packed in small spaces.
That morning, we walked to American Girl doll and as we were getting close to the store - we dodged onto a closed road walking where there was no traffic. Little did I know that they were keeping pedestrians away from this area too - and a Puerto Rican dignitary was being shielded by police and guards.
I was horrified when I realized they were blocking our way and wouldn't let us turn onto 5th Avenue - 4 blocks from American Girl. See, when you're on your own - it's no big deal to backtrack and walk a few extra blocks. But when you're with a little girl who was DYING to get to the store, adding an extra few blocks becomes VERY painful.
At my expression of horror, dignitary kindly let us through and asked a New York police officer to escort us the final four blocks to American Girl. Quite cute.
It's funny because I thought it was again odd that virtually NO ONE was at American Girl. Apparently, all of the other wise parents had decided NOT to go on Sunday because of the parade.
Well, courtesy of the parade, we had the place mostly to ourselves. Liz LOVED it, and this was her favorite thing about New York. She'd been wanting one for a long time and we made her wait until her 6th birthday.
She chose Elizabeth - one of the historic dolls. The whole experience was a lot of fun. She loved going up and down all of the levels at the store.
I took a picture of the tray of ho rs' derv es they brought us, because despite the outrageous prices for the dolls and the clothes, I was pretty impressed at how cheap the lunch was in Manhattan. For $24 a person, each person got a cinabon, and then shared a tray of veggies, soft pretzels, cheeses, etc.. Then, each person gets their own entree. I went with a chicken sandwich and fries and Liz had mini hot dogs, a mini hamburger and fries. Finally, each of us got THREE deserts - mousse, a cookie and a piece of cake. Seemed like a TON of food to me! And, I wasn't expecting the food to be very good. I was actually pleasantly surprised.
Another shot with the two Elizabeths. You can see the three sweets here. We ended up taking some of them back to the hotel room. They also sang happy birthday to her even though it was a few days early. It was sweet because they gave her a sticker that said: "it's my birthday." But every time someone wished her a happy birthday, she explained to them that it wasn't her actual birthday and that it was a few days early.
Gotta love the chocolate mousse. Yummy!
When we left American Girl - imagine my surprise that the parade was still going on. And yes, an hour later after we took a break and decided to head to the Central Park Zoo - it was in full force. Liz gets horribly scared by two things - loud noises and mascots - which are the most important aspects to all parades.
When we finished at the zoo, you guessed it - the parade was still in full-force. By this point, it was raining and there was no way you could catch a cab because traffic wasn't moving. Liz didn't want to walk past the parade because of the noise and fear of mascots. I decided at that point that our best solution was to walk and we ended walking about 25 blocks! She was quite the trooper. I didn't get any shots of the parade because the whole time we were near it, I had to be very vigilant watching Liz.
But she did have fun at the central Park Zoo. Here are a few photos:
At this point, music from the parade is quite loud and Liz's covering her ears!
After that L-O-N-G walk back to the hotel, we had dinner that night at the hotel. Liz chows down on some yummy bread. They also gave her cheesecake and sang happy birthday to her. Talk about lots of birthday celebration.
She slept very well that night - our 2nd night in the city.
Happy Birthday Liz! Congratulations on your first American Girl doll! Hopefully there will be many more! Liz you just get prettier and prettier in every picture. Hope we can see you again some time soon.
Owen's Grandma
It looks like Liz loved the American Girl store. It must of made her day. The doll she chose was perfect. Sounds like such a fun time in NY. Happy Birthday Liz!
What a great adventure! The American Girl store sounds like so much fun...I hope I can take Grace there some day!
Ok so I totally am laughing. I could have warned you that the parade is an all day event, but on the upside you guys had the AG store to yourselves mostly. I have read your two posts about your first two days. It seems Liz really really was enjoying her time. You are brave. I am so scared of heights I don't let Preston near any windows at all! Even though I know there is no way to open them.
I am laughing that she is so literal about which day was her real birthday. She is the best. And what a trooper walking 25 blocks! No subway adventures?
Wow, what a day! The empty American Girl store sounds like little girl heaven! Love the two Elizabeths! Trace would have been right there with Liz holding his ears too - he also hates loud noises! Happy Birthday Liz!
Oh how adorable - both of them! She does look like she had a blast. :)
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