Even though it's a full year later, Liz is still nervous around Santa. OK. Downright Frightened. Terrified you could say. Basically, She loves talking about him, hearing about him, and even watching Santa shows on TV.
But if we're within 50 feet of a Santa at the mall or on the street, she'll immediately dissolved in fits of screaming, crying and basically a full meltdown.
It would be tempting to get a shot of her terrified with Santa, but I can't force myself to put her through that agony - even though we all know it would be a priceless photo.
Despite her fear, she still wrote her letter to Santa and was thrilled to get a letter from him in return. We even made the cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve too.
Still, just before bedtime on Christmas Eve, the thought of him entering the house sent her into a near meltdown again.
She decided she wanted Santa to leave the gifts outside - a reasonable albeit cold idea. So, you guessed it. The cookies and milk went outside too. I believe the milk was frozen in about 7 minutes. Luckily, Santa didn't mind and did indeed eat most of the cookies. Rudolph ate some of the carrot too. It's a good thing he's so accommodating. Whew!
Probably the most precious thing I've ever seen Liz do was when she bounced into our room at 6:30 a.m. saying, "Mommy, Daddy was Santa here. I've been a really good girl this year!"
She was so excited and we ran downstairs to bring in the gifts that Santa had left outside and she was so impressed to see that indeed the cookies and milk had been gobbled up by Santa. She looked at the plate with awe and said: "wow."
Then, she tore into those gifts. And, of course the best presents were the ones that came from the Big Guy.
State Finals kind of Year
2 months ago
What a sweet story! Definitely a great one to be re-told when Liz is older! So glad to hear that Santa didn't mind delivering the presents outside. I'm sure he was happy to do it, for a little girl as sweet as Liz!
Liz is too much! It is great that Santa was so accomodating! Enjoy the remainder of 2008!
I love it ... Lizzy wanted Santa to stay outside. What did Daddy think of that (wink, wink!?) That is the funniest thing I've heard. Kids are so logical, and she clearly thought that one out. I can still get my present, but I will have him leave it outside!
I hear ya on the torturing of the Santa pic. I couldn't bring myself to do it this year either. We tried, but as soon as the tears started to well up, "I said, ahh never mind".
Why is she so scared of Santa?
That is such a great story to share with her when she gets older! You guys are awesome parents for accomodating her wishes! Can't wait to see pictures of that adorable sweetie!
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