But in fact, I've got proof that she kind of, sort of, well tried to write. As Brian and I predicted - once she's in the school environment - she's all for writing. With us at home - not so much.
And, for those of you who have had the privilege (sad experience) to read my chicken scratch on Christmas cards and other correspondence you might even see a slight resemblance.
Here she's tracing and learning how to try to make a straight line.
Now, this is what it's all about. Hey, who was the wise-guy to give her such a long name - that's 9 letters. Most of us just had to deal with 4 or 5 letters.
And, who doesn't love a nice drawing.
Oh YAY! She did a really good job! I love that she says "writed" Preston got into saying "me's" instead of mine and I know I never taught him that!
I am looking forward to all new Liz at school adventures!
Oh my sweet little Liz, you go girl! Just keep on practising and you can tell everyone that you "writed" your whole name.
Mom/Mimi Shidler
Hey, that's pretty good "writed"ing! Go Liz! Peer pressure is great, at this age at least. She did pretty good on her name, it looks like she was really trying!
Ooooh! Smart girl that Elizabeth. Soon she'll figure out that it's lots easier just to write Liz! Nice job on the teacup picture too!
Way to go Liz!!
ADORABLE! She must be so proud of herself :0) Before she knows it she will be writting Elizabeth all be herself! I like Jennifer's comment .... "soon enough she'll figure out Liz is easier"
How sweet!! Soon she'll be testing her new "writed" skills on everything...walls, furniture, floor...
Or she could be like Hannah and write on important papers that you'll have to send with a note on why there's smiley faces...
So cute!
We've saved Dylan's coloring books from the very first one. I'll have to do a post on that and compare them to his coloring now.
p.s. I still need some help with using words in the correct form, my grammar is terrible!
Good Job Liz! You "writed" your name really well! I love the pics. Such a cutie!
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