At Liz's preschool, each child brings snacks for one week. Last Friday, we talked about the fact that this week would be her turn as "Snack Girl."
When I asked her what she wanted to bring, she didn't hesitate to answer: carrots and lettuce.
Yes, that was really her answer. I swear I didn't prompt her. In fact, I kind of wanted to take the lettuce out of the option, because I just wasn't sure any 4-year-olds (other than Liz) would actually eat lettuce.
I'm raising a child with unique tastes at age four. She eats green peppers whole, will gobble down an entire little sack of cherry tomatoes and loves carrots and celery. I could be wrong, but I'm always under the impression that other kids don't eat those types of veggies.
Of course, Liz makes up for it during the rest of her meals. She'll hardly ever eat any main-dish that I prepare such as grilled chicken, tacos or patty-pan squash.
Even though I was slightly concerned her snack wouldn't be well-received by the kids, we brought carrots, cut up lettuce and included the Ranch dressing for the carrots and as a topping over the snack - like a mini-salad.
I had a weak moment and at the end threw in vanilla wafers - just for those kids who are "allergic" to healthy food.
Brian reported the teacher's aid gave a slightly puzzled look at our items. But when I returned to pick Liz up, they thanked us for the snacks and said that several kids did in fact eat the lettuce and carrots. The ranch dressing, of course was a hit. I even in sneaked in a reduced fat dressing.
I was surprised that they ate the lettuce and actually they didn't have any leftover lettuce. Of course, Liz was quite proud. I had given her several chances to change her mind, but she remained adamant about what she wanted.
When we were driving home, she said: "See Mom, I told you, they'd like lettuce."
That's our girl.
State Finals kind of Year
1 month ago
This is just too funny! I have to say that lettuce is definitely not a choice by many preschoolers, but I am glad to hear that it was gone. I'm sure that the Ranch had something to do with it disappearing. What child doesn't like Ranch? Caitlyn's preschool also runs the same way. Our snack day is in a few weeks. I asked Caitlyn what she wanted to bring and she said Chocolate Chip Cookies (we had just made some). I told her that we'd probably have to bring something else, as those might get a little messy. Nothing like 20 kids covered in chocolate!
How cute is that - a girl who knows what she wants and doesn't care what the other kids think about it! Trace also loves veggies and fruit - we go through a grape tomato container, two containers of strawberries and a container of blueberries every week! Hopefully their heathly snacking habits stay around.
Wow! What awesome snack habits! How great that she is willing to try new foods. I think I gave birth to the WORST eater on the planet. Seamus would eat nothing but goldfish, grapes and yogurt if he had his way! He is definitely "allergic" to trying new foods!
That is a great story. Although Preston loves fruit, veggies are not his thing-although at school sometimes he is known to sneak a few vegetables.
I am very proud of Liz that she held her ground. What a healthy little girl!
That is so funny! Good for her though for sticking with the healthy stuff! I need to try that myself!
I love it! Liz cracks me up. She knows what she likes and doesn't budge. Good for her!
Liz is so cute ... Lettuce, I love it! Caden isn't loving veggies right now, he will chew them up then take them out and put them back on his tray ...rrrr!!!
So awesome she stood her ground, that will take her far in life!
Dylan refers to lettuce as "leafs". Although he loves all types of "strange" food (dim sum, curries, satay etc) and any type of fruit, the only veggie he will eat is carrots and maybe celery and always with Ranch! You are soo lucky you have a good eater. Hopefully I will get that with Matthew. So far he has been very easy to feed, unlike Dylan was at the same age.
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